New VMCC Sprint Section General Secretary Required for the 2011 Season

Have you ever been trampled in the rush when the call for volunteers goes out at your Section AGM? Thought not! When the plea goes out, it’s often the case that potential volunteers can’t be seen for dust or tyre smoke. Those who know Committees will be aware that it can be very rewarding but it is also true that things only work well when the occasional bit of ‘donkey work’ is shared in the spirit of a greater good.
The VMCC Sprint Section needs volunteers
“Our current committee is too small... and without more help from likeminded enthusiasts, we will be forced to limit our activities this year to just 2 or 3 Events.”
Whilst a lack of ‘willing horses’ is not uncommon in the world of unpaid hobbies, the time has come to make clear that our current Committee is too small. It is all too easy to fall into the trap thinking that there is a huge team of professional guy’s beavering away in background organising our Events. The reality however is somewhat different. A Committee of just 3 active Members and a few (no more that 2 or 3 actually) willing helpers to organise Venue’s, Entries, Officials, Medical Cover, Timing Equipment, Safety Barriers, Toilets and the like to try to make it look to the Entrant like a seamless operation. Although not overly complex, the current workload falls on too few shoulders and something has to give and without more help from likeminded enthusiasts, we will be forced to limit our activities this year to just 2 or 3 Events.
Help us run our events
A days Sprinting is still one of the most cost effective ways to enjoy a day’s motorcycle racing (for riders and machines of all ages and types) and in the years to come we want to continue to give riders the same opportunity to enjoy their chosen Sport. So, with our stall set out and aspirations clear, it’s hoped that readers will be drawn to consider applying for the role of Sprint Section ‘General Secretary’ and help the current Committee to fulfil the few basic tasks that make up the organisation and co-ordination of events.
Can you give a little time?
Although not overly complex, the current workload falls on too few shoulders and something has to give
Anyone who takes up the role will be given plenty of support and encouragement, so if you think you’d like to know more contact us via our Chairman Chris Illman CLICK HERE TO MAIL.
Get Inspired
Our Annual General Meeting takes place at Midday on Sunday 30th January 2011 (Read MORE HERE) at the London Motorcycle Museum, Greenford, Middlesex. While we’ll not be holding our breath, we hope that our e-mail inbox will be full to bursting within days of this posting!